If you have any questions regarding the study or how you might be involved contact information can be found below.
Chief Investigator
Professor Jane Blazeby
Bristol Medical School
University of Bristol
Canynge Hall
39 Whatley Road
Tel: 0117 928 7231 / 3495
Email: J.M.Blazeby@bristol.ac.uk
Coordinating Centre
Bristol Trials Centre (BTC)
Bristol Medical School
University of Bristol
1-5 Whiteladies Road, Clifton
Bristol, BS8 1NU
Telephone: 0117 4558945
Email: By-Band-Sleeve@bristol.ac.uk
Study Manager
Bristol Trials Centre (BTC)
Bristol Medical School
University of Bristol
1-5 Whiteladies Road, Clifton
Bristol, BS8 1NU
Telephone: 0117 4558945
Social Media and Websites
Twitter: @ByBandSleeve
University of Bristol: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/
Bristol Trials Centre: https://bristoltrialscentre.blogs.bristol.ac.uk/